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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > POS Grid > Transaction >
Load and Copy Transaction

Load and Copy Transaction allow users to copy and process the contents of an existing transaction.

The purpose of loading a transaction is to perform the following tasks:
  1. Reprint receipts. Select the "Reprint Loaded Transaction" option or press F9 to reprint
  2. Load a Parked Transaction, or Quotation in order to complete its processing.
  3. Load a Lay-by Transaction to take further payments or complete a Lay-by.
  4. Load and copy "Quotations". This will create a copy of the existing quote.
Steps to Load and  Transactions:
  1. Filter the required transaction. Transactions can be filtered by:
    • Receipt Number
    • Customer
    • Date
    • Transaction Type
    • Transaction Status
    • User who processed the transaction
  2. Click on the transaction and it will load the contents in the POS Grid.
  3. Click on "Save" (F2), to copy the transaction.
    1. System will prompt message "Would you like to create a new transaction" , click on "Yes" to proceed.  In this option, a new transaction is created from the existing transaction.  The "Payment Method" options will populate to complete the transaction.
    2. Click on "No" to dismiss copy of transaction.
  4. Click on "Cancel" button to remove the transaction from the grid.

Figure 1: Load and Copy Transaction